A bootblack blacks boots with a black blacking brush.
The twine to three tree twigs.
A tree toad loved a she-toad that lived up in tree.
She was a tree-toed tree toad, but a two-toed toad was he.
The two-toed toad tried to win the she-toad’s friendly nod,
For the two-toed toad loved the ground.
On which the three-toed toad trod. |
In her tree-toad bower, with her three-toed power,
Of all the saws I ever saw,
I never saw a saw that saws as this saw saws.
Six smart fellows felt smart.
The lazy jazz musician jogged to the zoo just to view the zebra physician.
Soldiers’ shoulder shudder when shrill shells shriek.
Sure the ship’s shipshape, sir.
Shave a thin cedar shingle.
She sawed six slick sleek slim slender saplings.
She is so stupid she spent hours in the library trying to study for her blood test.
The sixth sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick.
A lively young fisher named fischer. |
If you stick a stick across a stick,
Or stick a cross across a stick,
Or cross a stick across a stick,
Or stick a cross across a cross,
Or cross a cross across a stick,
Or cross a cross across a cross,
Or stick a crossed stick across a stick,
Or stick a crossed stick across a crossed stick,
Or cross a crossed stick across a cross,
Or stick a crossed stick across a crossed stick,
And she-toad vetoed him. |
Would that be an acrostic ?
After church I went to the beach to teach at the car wash for cash.
When wicked witches whish swiftest ?
When witch whisks switches swiftest ?
Where is the withered wizard’s whip.
With which the weary witch whished ?
Which wristwatches are Swiss wristwatches ?
If a weary witch wished a weird wish.
With a withered wizard’s whip, |
Tuesday is stew day. Stew day is Tuesday.
Tomorrow is the third Tuesday of this month.
Beth believes thieves seize skis.
A bitter biting bittern bit a brother brothe bittern, andthe bitter better bit the bitter biter back.
And the bitter bittern, bitten by the better bitten bittern,Said, “I’m a bitter biter bit”
But no matter how the two-toed tree toad tried.
He could not please her whim.
A tooter who tooted a flute tried to tutor two tutors to toot.
Said the two to the tutor, “Is it harder to toot or to tutor two tutors to toot?”
A cup proper coffee in a copper coffee cup.
Father’s polite position paid for popcom and the flag.
Wood said he would carry the wood through the woods.
And if Wood said he would, Wood would.
Barbara burned the brown bread badly. |
Pip and pete shipped the sheep ships cheaply.
Those bins are for Bill Beal’s beans.
Does Jim stills steal Jill’s jeans ?
Pick cherries at their peak or Pete will see the pits.
Beach bins are filled with field filler.
He’s giving his healing pills to all the sinners on the scene.
Lucky radio listeners rarely lose long letters written by rival relatives.
Clowns grow glowing crowns.
Larry Hurley, a burly squirrel hurle, hurled a furry squirrel through a curly grill.
Double bubble gum bubbles double. |
Blue glue gun, green glue gun.
Blue black bug’s blood.
Blame the big bleak black book!
A big black bug big a big black bear and made the big black bear bleed blood.
Fished for fish from the edge of a fissure.
A fish with a grin pulled the fisherman in!
Now they are hunting the fissure for Fisher.
Click on the random buttom to get a new tongue twister. There are almost 100 in our online collection.