7 Continents
There are 7 continents.
The word "continent" comes from the Latin "terra continens", meaning "continuous land".
Like countries, continents are proper nouns. That means they are "names" and the first letter must be a CAPITAL letter. Even for the adjective, the first letter is always a capital:
Continent: Africa Adjective: African Person: an African
Continent: Asia Adjective: Asian Person: an Asian
Continent: Australia Adjective: Australian Person: an Australian
Continent: Europe Adjective: European Person: a European
Continent: North America Adjective: North American Person: a North American
Continent: South America Adjective: South American Person: a South American
Continent: Antarctica Adjective: Antarctic Person: -
Isn't it strange? We have a word for somebody who comes from the planet Mars (a Martian), but there is no word for somebody who comes from Antarctica!